- New insights into crumb formation in model systems: Effects of yeast metabolites and hydration level by means of multiwave rheology. Food Hydrocolloids (155), 2024 more…
- The role of yeast propagation aeration for subsequent primary fermentation with respect to performance and aroma development. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2024 more…
- Influence of drought stress and growth temperature during kernel development on physical and chemical starch characteristics of malting barley. Cereal Chemistry, 2024, 1-13 more…
- Enrichment and Quantitation of Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Inhibitory Peptides in Quinoa upon Systematic Malting. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024 more…
- Ultrasonic Mode Conversion for In-Line Foam Structure Measurement in Highly Aerated Batters using machine learning. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (Vol. 18), 2024 more…
- Influence of dextrins and β-glucans on palate fullness and mouthfeel of beer. European Food Research and Technology 250 (2), 2024, 495-509 more…
- Characterization of molar mass and conformation of relevant (non-)starch polysaccharides in cereal-based beverages. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 261 (Part 2), 2024 more…
- Identification of promising lactic acid bacteria for the fermentation of lupine- and faba bean-based substrates to produce refreshing protein-rich beverages—A strain screening. Food Frontiers, 2024, 1-28 more…
- Millifluidic magnetophoresis-based chip for age-specific fractionation: evaluating the impact of age on metabolomics and gene expression in yeast. Lab on a Chip (2987-2998), 2024 more…
- Comparative study of the impact of malting on the aroma profiles of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.). Food Chemistry (427), 2023 more…
- Characterization of the aroma profile of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) and assessment of the impact of malting on the odor-active volatile composition. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 103 (5), 2023, 2283-2294 more…
- Daily assessment of malting-induced changes in the volatile composition of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), rye (Secale cereale L.), and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Journal of Food Science 88 (9), 2023, 3773-3785 more…
- Strain-dependent assessment of dough’s polymer structure and functionality during the baking process. PLOS ONE 18, 2023 more…
- In situ evaluation of alginate-Ca2+ gelation kinetics. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2023 more…
- Experimental Advances in the Real-Time Recording of Cross-Linking Alginate In Situ Gelation: A Review. Polymers , 2023 more…
- Improvement of Saccharomyces propagation performance through oxygen-enriched air and aeration parameter variation. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, 2023 more…
- Evolution of Alternaria toxins during the brewing process and the usability of optical sorting methods to reduce mycotoxin concentrations in beer. Eur Food Res Technol , 2023 more…
- Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Containing Resveratrol-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles as an Adjuvant in Atopic Dermatitis Treatment. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2023 more…
- Studying the impact of cell age on the yeast growth behaviour of Saccharomyces pastorianus var. carlsbergensis by magnetic separation. Biotechnology Journal, 2023 more…
- Quantification methods of brewer’s and pharmaceutical yeast cells’ viability: Accuracy and impact of nanoparticles. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2023 more…
- Texture modulation of starch‐based closed‐cell foams using 3D printing: Deformation behavior beyond the elastic regime. Journal of Texture Studies , 2023 more…
- Comparative Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS) Study of Ionically and Physically Crosslinked Hydrogels. Polymers 15 (6), 2023 more…
- Relation between deformation and relaxation of hydrocolloids-starch based bio-inks and 3D printing accuracy. Food Hydrocolloids 137, 2023 more…
- Aroma profile of a gluten-free barley malt beer crafted to remove gluten using a barley malt extract with high peptidase activity. European Food Research and Technology , 2023 more…
- Skin substitutes based on gellan gum with mechanical and penetration compatibility to native human skin. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A , 2023 more…
- Enhanced surrogate modelling of heat conduction problems using physics-informed neural network framework. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 142, 2023 more…
- Ultrasonic Wave Mode-Based Application for Contactless Density Measurement of Highly Aerated Batters. Foods, 2023 more…
- Encapsulation of Neem oil from Azadirachta indica into Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) as a novel sprayable miticide system with long-term storage stability and controlled release kinetic. Industrial Crops and Products, 2023 more…
- Effect of molar mass and size of non-alcoholic beer fractions and their relevance toward palate fullness intensity. Food Research International, 2023 more…
- Influence of kilned specialty malt odorant markers on the aroma composition and sensory profile of beer. LWT - Food Science and Technology 173, 2023 more…
- Identification of key aroma compounds of faba beans (Vicia faba) and their development during germination – a SENSOMICS approach. Food Chemistry , 2023 more…
- Impact of Germination on the Protein Solubility and Antinutritive Compounds of Lupinus angustifolius and Vicia faba in the Production of Protein-Rich Legume-Based Beverages. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023 more…
- Generalizability of soft sensors for bioprocesses through similarity analysis and phase-dependent recalibration. Sensors 23 (4), 2023 more…
- The influence of water composition on the gushing behaviour of malt in Modified Carlsberg Test. Brewing Science 76, 2023 more…
- Influence of Hydrothermal Treatment of Brewer’s Spent Grain on the Concentration and Molecular Weight Distribution of 1,3-1,4-β-D-Glucan and Arabinoxylan. Foods, 2023 more…
- Concepts and trends of virtual commissioning – A comprehensive review. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 71 (664-680), 2023 more…
- Structure Strengthening Phenomena of Gluten Matrices under Different Stress Types. Polymers 15 (23), 2023, 4491 more…
- Microscopic analysis of gluten network development under shear load—combining confocal laser scanning microscopy with rheometry. Journal of Texture Studies, 2023 more…
- A dynamic micro-scale dough foaming and baking analysis – Comparison of dough inflation based on different leavening agents. Food Research International 164, 2023 more…
- Multi-scale dough adhesion analysis: Relation between laboratory scale, pilot scale and human sensory. Journal of Texture Studies, 2023 more…
- Resilience study of wheat protein networks with large amplitude oscillatory shear rheology. LWT - Food Science and Technology 178, 2023 more…
- Thermomechanical Stress Analysis of Hydrated Vital Gluten with Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Rheology. Polymers 15 (16), 2023 more…
- Relation between polymer transitions and the extensional viscosity of dough systems during thermal stabilization assessed by lubricated squeezing flow. Food Chemistry 389, 2022 more…
- Impact of CaCl2 concentration and in situ rheometric setup configuration on fast alginate–Ca2+ reaction. Physics of Fluids 34, 2022 more…
- Quantification of oxidative stress in Saccharomyces pastorianus propagation: Gene expression analysis using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and flow cytometry. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, 2022 more…
- Instantaneous wheat dough relaxation by alternating current electric fields. Journal of Food Engineering, 2022 more…
- Gluten–starch interface characteristics and wheat dough rheology—Insights from hybrid artificial systems. Journal of Food Science, 2022 more…
- Screening of Mycotoxigenic Fungi in Barley and Barley Malt (Hordeum vulgare L.) Using Real-Time PCR—A Comparison between Molecular Diagnostic and Culture Technique. Foods 11 (8), 2022, 1149 more…
- Simulation of Energy and Media Demand of Batch-Oriented Production Systems in the Beverage Industry. Sustainability 14, 2022, 1599 more…
- Trigeminal Stimulus Menthol Masks Bitter Off-Flavor of Artificial Sweetener Acesulfame-K. Foods 11 (18), 2022, 2734 more…
- Non-Destructive Measuring Systems for the Evaluation of High Oxygen Stored Poultry: Development of Headspace Gas Composition, Sensory and Microbiological Spoilage. Foods 11 (4), 2022 more…
- Optical measurement systems in the food packaging sector and research for the non-destructive evaluation of product quality. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 31, 2022 more…
- Autofluorescence prediction model for fluorescence unmixing and age determination. Biotechnology Journal, 2022 more…
- Texture modulation of starch‐based closed‐cell foams using 3D printing: deformation behavior beyond the elastic regime. Journal of Texture Studies, 2022 more…
- Hardness targeted design and modulation of food textures in the elastic-regime using 3D printing of closed-cell foams in point lattice systems. Journal of Food Engineering 320, 2022 more…
- Splitting of droplet with different sizes inside a symmetric T-junction microchannel using an electric field. Scientific Reports, 2022 more…
- Generation and evaluation of input values for computational analysis of transport processes within tissue cultures. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2022 more…
- Enzymes from cereal and fusarium metabolism involved in the malting process - A review. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 80 (1), 2022, 1-16 more…
- Aroma profile of a gluten-free barley malt beer crafted to remove gluten using a barley malt extract with high peptidase activity. European Food Research and Technology, 2022 more…
- Design and Installation of an Agent-controlled Cyber Physical Production System Using the Example of a Beverage Bottling Plant. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, 2022 more…
- Combined Longitudinal and Surface Acoustic Wave Analysis for Determining Small Filling Levels in Curved Steel Containers. Sensors 22 (9), 2022, 3476 more…
- Edible Polymers and Secondary Bioactive Compounds for Food Packaging Applications: Antimicrobial, Mechanical, and Gas Barrier Properties. Polymers, 2022 more…
- Green and reusable Ag/AgCl-TiO2 nanocomposites for visible light-triggered dye degradation. Advanced Powder Technology, 2022 more…
- Identification of Potential Odorant Markers to Monitor the Aroma Formation in Kilned Specialty Malts. Food Chemistry, 2022 more…
- The modification of volatile and nonvolatile compounds in lupines and faba beans by substrate modulation and lactic acid fermentation to facilitate their use for legume‐based beverages — A review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2022, 1-38 more…
- Evaluating raffinose family oligosaccharides and their decomposition products by ion chromatography – a method development and advanced repeatability study. Talanta Open 5, 2022 more…
- Development of analytical methods to study the effect of malting on levels of free and modified forms of Alternaria mycotoxins in barley. Mycotoxin Research, 2022 more…
- Biodegradation of Alprazolam in Pharmaceutical Wastewater Using Mesoporous Nanoparticles-Adhered Pseudomonas stutzeri. Molecules, 2022 more…
- Ensemble-based Adaptive Soft Sensor for Fault-Tolerant Biomass Monitoring. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2022 more…
- Non-invasive rheology measurement employing diode laser imaging. Optics and Laser Technology 152, 2022 more…
- Micro-Scale Shear Kneading—Gluten Network Development under Multiple Stress–Relaxation Steps and Evaluation via Multiwave Rheology. Polymers 14 (4), 2022 more…
- Investigations on Backflush Cleaning of Spent Grain-Contaminated Filter Cloths Using Continuous and Pulsed Jets. Foods 11, 2022, 1757 more…
- Pulsed forward flushes as a novel method for cleaning spent grains-loaded filter cloth. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2022 more…
- Impact of Storing Condition on Staling and Microbial Spoilage Behavior of Bread and Their Contribution to Prevent Food Waste. Foods 10, 2021 more…
- The self-enforcing starch-gluten system – strain-dependent effects of yeast metabolites on the polymeric matrix. Polymers 13, 2021 more…
- Impact of the particle-polymer interface on small- and large-scale deformation response in protein- and carbohydrate-based food matrices. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021 more…
- Controlling glass bead surface functionality - impact on network formation in natural edible polymer systems. Composites Science and Technology, 2021 more…
- Challenges in the development of soft sensors for bioprocesses: a critical review. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, section Bioprocess Engineering, 2021 more…
- A metamodeling approach for the simulation of energy and media demand for the brewing industry. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 2021 more…
- Simulation of Energy and Media Demand of Beverage Bottling Plants by Automatic Model Generation. Sustainability 13, 2021 more…
- Recombinant protein linker production as a basis for non-invasive determination of single-cell yeast age in heterogeneous yeast populations. RSC Advances 11 (51), 2021, 31923-31932 more…
- Understanding the Impact of Industrial Stress Conditions on Replicative Aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Frontiers in Fungal Biology 2 (17), 2021 more…
- Sensory design in food 3D printing – Structuring, texture modulation, taste localization, and thermal stabilization. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 72, 2021 more…
- Determination of Cytolytic Malt Modification - Part II: Impact on Wort Separation. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 79 (1), 2021, 66-74 more…
- Determination of Cytolytic Malt Modification - Part I: Influence of Variety Characteristics. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 79 (1), 2021, 53-65 more…
- Influence of particle size uniformity on the filter cake resistance of physically and chemically modified fine particles. Separation and Purification Technology 272, 2021 more…
- Compression Mechanism in Multilayered Filter Cakes. Chemical Engineering & Technology 44 (10), 2021 more…
- Optical method for porosity determination to prove the stamp effect in filter cakes. Journal of Food Engineering 293, 2021 more…
- Multiphase Phase-Field Lattice Boltzmann Method for Simulation of Soluble Surfactants. Symmetry (13 (6)), 2021, 1019 more…
- Assay for detecting technical proteolytic enzymes in beer. Brewing Science 74, 2021, 10-16 more…
- Surface energy of food contact materials and its relation to wheat dough adhesion. Food and Bioprocess Technology 14, 2021, 1142-1154 more…
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of Flavor Instability of Beer (Part 1): Influence of Release of Bound State Aldehydes. Foods, 2021 more…
- Sensory and Olfactometry Chemometrics as Valuable Tools for Assessing Hops’ Aroma Impact on Dry-Hopped Beers: A Study with Wild Portuguese Genotypes. Foods, 2021 more…
- Design and Implementation of a Smart, Product-led Production Control Using Industrial Agents. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, 2021 more…
- Antimicrobial and physicochemical characterization of 2,3-dialdehyde cellulose-based wound dressings systems. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021 more…
- Formulation of secondary compounds as additives of biopolymer-based food packaging: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021 more…
- Transfer of Ethanol and Aroma Compounds by Varying Specific Process Parameters in the Thermal Dealcoholisation of Beer. Foods 10 (7), 2021, 1602 more…
- Key constituents, flavour profiles and specific sensory evaluation of wheat style non-alcoholic beers depending on their production method. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2021 more…
- Influence of 3-DG as a Key Precursor Compound on Aging of Lager Beers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69 (12), 2021, 3732-3740 more…
- The Influence of Proteolytic Malt Modification on the Aging Potential of Final Wort. Foods, 2021 more…
- Formation and degradation of 3-deoxyglucosone as a key intermediate for ageing indicators during wort boiling. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2021 more…
- Texture design of gluten-free bread by mixing under controlled head space atmosphere. European Food Research and Technology, 2021 more…
- Aroma and color development during the production of specialty malts – a review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2021 more…
- A Strong-Form Off-Lattice Boltzmann Method for Irregular Point Clouds. Symmetry 13 (10), 2021 more…
- Gelatinization or Pasting? The Impact of Different Temperature Levels on the Saccharification Efficiency of Barley Malt Starch. Foods 10 (8), 2021, 1733 more…
- Fundamental characterization of wheat gluten. European Food Research and Technology 247, 2021, 985–997 more…
- Thermally induced gluten modification observed with rheology and spectroscopies. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 173, 2021, 26-33 more…
- Online sensor validation in sensor networks for bioprocess monitoring using swarm intelligence. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (412), 2020, 2165–2175 more…
- Biomass soft sensor for a Pichia pastoris fed-batch process based on phase detection and hybrid modeling. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2020 more…
- Upcycling of brewer's yeast -Application as material for encapsulating unstable liquid ingredients in the food industry. BrewingScience (73 (May/June 2020)), 2020, 77-84 more…
- 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing of Cereal-Based Materials: Quality Analysis of Starch-Based Systems using a Camera-Based Morphological Approach. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2020 more…
- Fibers of milling and fruit processing by-products in gluten-free bread making: A review of hydration properties, dough formation and quality-improving strategies. Food Chemistry (306), 2020 more…
- Optical method for porosity determination to prove the stamp effect in filter cakes. Journal of Food Engineering (245 (3)), 2020, 521-533 more…
- Influence of malt modification and the corresponding macromolecular profile on palate fullness in cereal-based beverages. European Food Research and Technology (246), 2020, 1219-1229 more…
- Chemometric modeling of palate fullness in lager beers. Food Chemistry (34), 2020 more…
- Flavor stability assessment of lager beer: what we can learn by comparing established methods. European Food Research and Technology, 2020 more…
- Prediction of fruity-citrus intensity of beers dry-hopped with Mandarina Bavaria based on the content of selected volatile compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 2155-2163 more…
- In-situ cleaning process of chamber filter presses with sensor-controlled and demand-oriented automation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020 more…
- Influence of the filter cloth and nozzles type on the in-situ cleaning procedure of filter presses. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020 more…
- Texturmodifikation glutenfreier Backwaren. Cereal Technology 2, 2020, 138-143 more…
- Evaluation of baking performance by means of mid-infrared imaging. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 61, 2020 more…
- The Challenge of Cleaning Woven Filter Cloth in the Beverage Industry - Wash Jets as an Appropriate Solution. Food Engineering Reviews, 2020 more…
- A flexible IT infrastructure for the integration of smartglasses into the brewing laboratory as a digital support for standard analysis workflows. BrewingScience (72), 2019, 1-9 more…
- Classification of starch-gluten networks into a viscoelastic liquid or solid, based on rheological aspects - A review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (136), 2019, 1018-1025 more…
- Online sensor validation in sensor networks for bioprocess monitoring using swarm intelligence. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (412), 2019, 2165-2175 more…
- Influence of Fusarium avenaceum infections on barley malt: Monitoring changes in the albumin fraction of barley during the malting process. International Journal of Food Microbiology 293, 2019, 7-16 more…
- Impact of altered starch functionality on wheat dough microstructure and its elongation behavior. Food Chemistry (290), 2019, 64-71 more…
- Inhomogeneity in the lauter tun: a chromatographic view. European Food Research and Technology, 2019 more…
- Concentration dependent rate constants of sodium substitute functionalities during wheat dough development. Food Research International (116), 2019, 346-353 more…
- Characterization of the macromolecular and sensory profile of non-alcoholic beers produced with various methods. Food Research International, 2019 more…
- An accurate approach to assessing the hop particle size and its filtration behavior during dry hopping. Eur Food Research and Technology (5 (7)), 2019, 1439-1449 more…
- Rapid method to assess the colloidal haze stability of beer. Brewing Science (72), 2019, 142-147 more…
- Time-dependent adhesion behavior between dough and contact surfaces in bakeries. Journal of Food Engineering (255), 2019, 24-31 more…
- Definition of network types – Prediction of dough mechanical behaviour under shear by gluten microstructure. Scientific Reports (9), 2019 more…
- Formation of 3-deoxyglucosone in the malting process. Food Chemistry (290), 2019, 187-195 more…
- A review: Reverse approach to analyze the impact of starch modification on the inflation and gas holding properties of wheat-based matrices. Trends in Food Science & Technology (91), 2019, 231-239 more…
- Novel approach to investigate the mechanical properties of crumb matrix during storage – Re-engineering of gas-free crumb pellets. Food Chem (288), 2019, 333-340 more…
- Mechanically and Thermally Induced Degradation and Modification of Cereal Biopolymers during Grinding. Polymers (11), 2019, 448 more…
- Characterizing the impact of starch and gluten-induced alterations on gelatinization behavior of physically modified model dough. Food Chemistry (301), 2019, 125276 more…
- Opportunities for upcycling cereal byproducts with special focus on Distiller's grains. Trends in Food Science & Technology (91), 2019, 282-293 more…
- Magnetic separation in bioprocessing beyond the analytical scale: from biotechnology to the food industry. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2019 more…
- Advances in the development of wheat dough and bread by means of shearing. Journal of Food Engineering 247, 2019 more…
- Optimization of malting conditions for two landraces of West African sorghum and influence of mash bio-acidification on saccharification improvement. Journal of Cereal Science (85), 2019 more…
- Selection of a new Saccharomyces yeast to enhance relevant sorghum beer aroma components, higher alcohols and esters. Food Microbiology (Food Microbiology), 2019 more…
- Technological influence on sensory stability and antioxidant activity of beers measured by ORAC and FRAP. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019 more…
- Introducing a Virtual Assistant to the Lab: A Voice User Interface for the Intuitive Control of Laboratory Instruments. SLAS Technology 23 (5), 2018, 476–482 more…
- Wheat dough imitating artificial dough system based on hydrocolloids and glass beads. Journal of Food Engineering (223), 2018, 144–151 more…
- Induced expression of the alcohol acetyltransferase gene ATF1 in industrial yeast Saccharomyces pastorianus TUM 34/70. Yeast, 2018 more…
- Mechanical wheat flour modification and its effect on protein network structure and dough rheology. Food Chemistry (248), 2018, 296-303 more…
- Maltose formation in wheat dough depending on mechanical starch modification and dough hydration. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 153-158 more…
- Direct link between specific structural levels of starch and hydration Properties. Carbohydrate Polymers (181), 2018, 159-166 more…
- High-Pressure Treatment of Non-Hydrated Flour Affects Structural Characteristics and Hydration. Foods (7), 2018, 78 more…
- A normalized texture profile analysis approach to evaluate firming kinetics of bread crumbs independent from its initial texture. Cereal Science (81), 2018, 147-152 more…
- Comparison of Dumas and Kjeldahl method for nitrogen determination in malt, wort and beer. Brewing Science, 2018, 18-23 more…
- A new approach to assessing the crossflow membrane filtration of beer at laboratory scale. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2018 more…
- Microbial contamination and surface properties of proofing carrier cloths after a long-term use. Cereal Technology, 2018, 4-12 more…
- Forced into aging: Analytical prediction of the flavor-stability of lager beer. A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2018 more…
- Prediction Power and Accuracy of Forced Ageing - Matching Sensory and Analytical Results for Lager Beer. BrewingScience (73), 2018, 39-48 more…
- Gluten Polymer Networks - A Microstructural Classification in Complex Systems. Polymers 10 (2018) 2018-05, 2018, 617 more…
- Staining methods for dough systems – Impact on microstructure and functionality. LWT - Food Science and Technology 88, 2018, 139-145 more…
- Investigating on the fermentation behavior of six lactic acid bacteria strains in barley malt wort reveals limitation in key amino acids and buffer capacity. Food Microbiology , 2018, 245-253 more…
- Exploration of high-gravity fermentation to improve lactic acid bacteria performance and consumer's acceptance of malt wort-fermented beverages. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2018 more…
- Comparison of different three dimensional-printed resorbable materials: In vitro biocompatibility, In vitro degradation rate, and cell differentiation support. Journal of Biomaterials Applications (33.2), 2018 more…
- Development and Application of an Additively Manufactured Calcium Chloride Nebulizer for Alginate 3D-Bioprinting Purposes. Journal of Functional Biomaterials (9(4)), 2018 more…
- Influence of hydrothermal treatment on the structural modification of spent grain specific carbohydrates and the formation of degradation products using model compounds. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018 more…
- Assessment of malting and mash bio-acidification on the turnover of sorghum cyanogenic glucoside and protein hydrolysis improvement. LWT-Food Science and Technology (90), 2018, 303-309 more…
- Phenolic Substances in Beer: Structural Diversity, Reactive Potential and Relevance for Brewing Process and Beer Quality. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2018 more…
- Laser Speckle Spectroscopy Image Analysis for High Pressure and High Temperature Treatment Discrimination on LDPE, HDPE BOPP, BOPA and PET Polymer Layers Used for Food Packaging. Journal of Food Process Engineering , 2017 more…
- A smart device application for the automated determination of E. coli colonies on agar plates. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2017, n/a-n/a more…
- Structural, textural and sensory impact of sodium reduction on long fermented pizza. Food Chemistry 234, 2017, 398-407 more…
- Determination of bubble size distribution in gas–liquid two-phase systems via an ultrasound-based method. Engineering in Life Sciences 17 (6), 2017, 653-663 more…
- Effect of Rye Bran Particles on Structure Formation Properties of Rye Dough and Bread. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2017 more…
- On the assessments of arabinoxylan localization and enzymatic modifications for enhanced protein networking and its structural impact on rye dough and bread. Food Chemistry 229, 2017, 178-187 more…
- Foam stabilization during processing of starch-based dough systems. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 39, 2017, 267-274 more…
- Interrelation between mechanical and biological aeration in starch-based gluten-free dough systems. Journal of Cereal Science 76, 2017, 28-34 more…
- Development of a high-protein; plant-based beverage by using an innovative combination of mashing and fermentation. AgroFood Industry Hi Tech 28, 2017, 30-35 more…
- Structure stabilization in starch-quinoa bran doughs: The role of water availability and gelatinization. Carbohydrate Polymers 174, 2017, 1018-1025 more…
- Fusarium Species on Barley Malt: Is Visual Assessment an Appropriate Tool for Detection? Cereal Chemistry Journal 94 (4), 2017, 659--669 more…
- Fate of Fusarium Toxins during Brewing. J Agric Food Chem 65 (1), 2017, 190-198 more…
- Effect of mechanically modified wheat flour on dough fermentation properties and bread quality. European Food Research and Technology 243 (2), 2017, 287-296 more…
- Kinetic studies of main wort flavor compounds and iso-α-acids during wort boiling: a review. European Food Research and Technology (243), 2017, 1485–1495 more…
- A Kinetic Study on the Formation of 2- and 3-Methylbutanal. Journal of Food Process Engineering , 2017 more…
- The production of gluten-free beer: Degradation of hordeins during malting and brewing and the application of modern process technology focusing on endogenous malt peptidases. Trends in Food Science & Technology 67, 2017, 129-138 more…
- Characterization of polymeric substance classes in cereal-based beverages using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation with a multi-detection system. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2017 more…
- High-throughput β-glucan analyses and their relationship with beer filterability. Eur Food Research and Technology 243, 2017, 341-351 more…
- Investigation of Filtration-inhibitory Substances in German Wheat Beer. Brewing Science 70, 2017, 1-8 more…
- Reduction of toxicologically relevant styrene in wheat beer using specially produced wheat and barley malts. European Food Research and Technology (243), 2017, 1711-1718 more…
- Development of fibre-enriched wheat breads: impact of recovered agroindustrial by-products on physicochemical properties of dough and bread characteristics. European Food Research and Technology, 2017, 1-16 more…
- Physical Methods for Dealcoholization of Beverage Matrices and their Impact on Quality Attributes. ChemBioEng Reviews 4 (5), 2017, 310-326 more…
- Key volatile aroma compounds of lactic acid fermented malt based beverages – impact of lactic acid bacteria strains. Food Chemistry 229, 2017, 565-573 more…
- Additive manufactured customizable Labware for biotechnological Purposes. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2017, n/a-n/a more…
- Critical evaluation of viscometrically determined pasting temperatures in barley malt. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2017 more…
- Optimized analytical parameters for the viscometric determination of pasting temperatures of barley malt. Food Hydrocolloids 62, 2017, 149--157 more…
- Analytical Characterization of the Hydrolysis of Barley Malt Macromolecules During Enzymatic Degradation Over Time Using AF4/MALS/RI. Journal of food science 82 (6), 2017, 1326--1332 more…
- Influence of hydrothermal treatment on the structural modification of spent grain specific carbohydrates and the formation of degradation products using model compounds. Carbohydrate Polymers , 2017 more…
- Development of wheat dough by means of shearing. Journal of Food Engineering 201, 2017, 1-8 more…
- Polyphasic characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Beninese sorghum beer starter. LWT - Food Science and Technology 80, 2017, 51-58 more…
- Pulsatile Jet Cleaning of Filter Cloths Contaminated with Yeast Cells. Chemical Engineering {&} Technology 40 (3), 2017, 450--458 more…
- Rapid cultivar identification of barley seeds through disjoint principal component modelling. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 409 (3), 2017, 773 - 783 more…
- Continuous Learning Graphical Knowledge Unit for Cluster Identification in High Density Data Sets. Symmetry 8 (12), 2016, 152 more…
- Non-Parametric Local Maxima and Minima Finder with Filtering Techniques for Bioprocess. Journal of Signal and Information Processing 7 (4), 2016, 192-213 more…
- 500 Jahre Reinheitsgebot – Verfahrenstechnik rund ums Bier. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik , 2016 more…
- Protein network analysis — A new approach for quantifying wheat dough microstructure. Food Research International 89, 2016, 812-819 more…
- Management of Uncertainty by Statistical Process Control and a Genetic Tuned Fuzzy System. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2016, 2016 more…
- Incorporation of negative rules and evolution of a fuzzy controller for yeast fermentation process. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 39 (8), 2016, 1225-1233 more…
- Biomass estimation in Pichia pastoris cultures by combined single-wavelength fluorescence measurements. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 113 (11), 2016, 2394-2402 more…
- Flavor of lactic acid fermented malt based beverages: Current status and perspectives. Trends in Food Science & Technology 54, 2016, 37-51 more…
- Technological and Analytical Methods for Arabinoxylan Quantification from Cereals. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 56 (6), 2016, 999-1011 more…
- EGFP-based evaluation of temperature inducible native promoters of industrial ale yeast by using a high throughput system. LWT - Food Science and Technology 68, 2016, 556-562 more…
- Induced gene expression in industrial Saccharomyces pastorianus var. carlsbergensis TUM 34/70: evaluation of temperature and ethanol inducible native promoters. FEMS Yeast Research 16 (3), 2016, fow014-fow014 more…
- Compositional Changes and Baking Performance of Rye Dough As Affected by Microbial Transglutaminase and Xylanase. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64 (28), 2016, 5751-5758 more…
- Fate of Fusarium Toxins during the Malting Process. J Agric Food Chem 64 (6), 2016, 1377-84 more…
- Influence of malting and lactic acid fermentation on functional bioactive components in cereal-based raw materials: a review paper. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 51 (1), 2016, 14-22 more…
- Ultrasound-based, in-line monitoring of anaerobe yeast fermentation: Model, sensor design and process application. International Journal of Food Science {&} Technology 51 (3), 2016, 710--719 more…
- Influence of Fusarium isolates on the expression of barley genes related to plant defense and malting quality. Journal of Cereal Science 69, 2016, 17-24 more…
- Impact of cream washing on fat globules and milk fat globule membrane proteins. International Dairy Journal 59 (August 2016), 2016, 52 - 61 more…
- Non-Isothermal Kinetic Models of Degradation of S-Methylmethionine. Journal of Food Process Engineering 39 (6), 2016, 573--580 more…
- Aluminium leaching from baking tray materials into surface-alkalized baked products. Cereal Technology 03, 2016, 127-135 more…
- Starch–gluten interactions during gelatinization and its functionality in dough like model systems. Food Hydrocolloids 54, Part A, 2016, 196-201 more…
- Gluten-specific peptidase activity of barley as affected by germination and its impact on gluten degradation. Journal of Cereal Science 68, 2016, 93-99 more…
- Production and application of barley malt extract with high peptidase activity for the degradation of gluten in wort. European Food Research and Technology 242 (4), 2016, 585-597 more…
- Impact of flavouring substances on the aggregation behaviour of dissolved barley β-glucans in a model beer. Carbohydrate Polymers 143, 2016, 204-211 more…
- Influence of malting on the protein composition of triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) 'Trigold'. Cereal Chemistry 93 (1), 2016, 10 - 19 more…
- Influence of malting on the protein composition of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) 'Frankenkorn'. Cereal Chemistry 93 (1), 2016, 1 - 9 more…
- Variation of sunstruck flavor-related substances in malted barley, triticale and spelt. European Food Research and Technology 242 (1), 2016, 11 - 23 more…
- Physikalische Verfahren zur Entalkoholisierung verschiedener Getränkematrizes und deren Einfluss auf qualitätsrelevante Merkmale. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 88 (12), 2016, 1911 - 1928 more…
- Flavor of lactic acid fermented malt based beverages: Current status and perspectives. Trends in Food Science & Technology 54, 2016, 37-51 more…
- From native malt to pure starch -- Development and characterization of a purification procedure for modified starch. Food Hydrocolloids 56, 2016, 50--57 more…
- Mechanisms Behind Distiller’s Grains Impact on Wheat Dough and Bread Quality. Food and Bioprocess Technology 9 (2), 2016, 274-284 more…
- Changes in aroma composition and sensory properties provided by distiller’s grains addition to bakery products. Journal of Cereal Science 72, 2016, 75-83 more…
- Reconstitution baking tests with defatted wheat flour are suitable for determining the functional effects of lipase-treated wheat lipids. Food Chemistry 200, 2016, 175-182 more…
- Scale-up of dry-hopping trials: Importance of scale for aroma and taste perceptions. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 88 (12), 2016, 1955 - 1965 more…
- Influence of harvest date of the 'Mandarina Bavaria' hop variety on the sensory evaluation of dry-hopped top-fermented beer. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 122 (4), 2016, 661 - 669 more…
- Possibilities to derive empirical dough characteristics from fundamental rheology. Trends in Food Science & Technology 57; Part A, 2016, 1-10 more…
- Analyse der Geschichte der Schankanlagentechnik und ihre Auswirkungen auf den heutigen Stand der Technik. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 88 (12), 2016, 1891--1903 more…
- Das Zusammenspiel von Verfahrenstechnik und Technologie in der Brauerei. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 88 (12), 2016, 1857--1868 more…
- β-d-Glucosidase as “key enzyme” for sorghum cyanogenic glucoside (dhurrin) removal and beer bioflavouring. Food and Chemical Toxicology 97, 2016, 217-223 more…
- Phenotypical and molecular characterization of yeast content in the starter of “Tchoukoutou,” a Beninese African sorghum beer. European Food Research and Technology 242 (12), 2016, 2147-2160 more…
- Destabilization of wheat dough: Interrelation between CO2 and glutathione. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 34, 2016, 320-325 more…
- BrewPAT – PAT-Based Fermentation Monitoring Applications within Brewing. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 2016 more…
- Der intelligente Gärschrank – Einfluss der Herstellungsparameter auf die Produktqualität. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik , 2016 more…
- Der intelligente Gärschrank – Implementierung einer Onlineüberwachung des Fermentationsprozesses mittels digitaler Bildverarbeitung. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik , 2016 more…
- Acoustic sensing and signal processing techniques for monitoring milk fouling cleaning operations. Engineering in Life Sciences 16 (1), 2016, 67-77 more…
- Comparison of Foam Analysis Methods and the Impact of Beer Components on Foam Stability. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 2015 more…
- Data Transformation Technique to Improve the Outlier Detection Power of Grubbs’ Test for Data Expected to Follow Linear Relation. Journal of Applied Mathematics 2015, 2015 more…
- Universal Linear Fit Identification: A Method Independent of Data, Outliers and Noise Distribution Model and Free of Missing or Removed Data Imputation. PLoS ONE 10 (11), 2015, e0141486 more…
- Comparative study of the contributions of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) hard resins extracted from different hop varieties to beer quality parameters. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 73 (2), 2015, 115 - 123 more…
- Ultrastructure studies of the lupulin glands of different hop (Humulus lupulus L.) varieties observed by scanning electron microscope. BrewingScience 68 (11/12), 2015, 153 - 160 more…
- A Vision System for Surface Homogeneity Analysis of Dough Based on the Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) for Optimum Kneading Time Prediction. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2015 more…
- On-line yeast propagation process monitoring and control using an intelligent automatic control system. Engineering in Life Sciences 15 (1), 2015, 83-95 more…
- Effect of high temperature drying on gluten-free pasta properties. LWT - Food Science and Technology 63 (1), 2015, 391-399 more…
- Part III: the influence of serial repitching of Saccharomyces pastorianus on the production dynamics of some important aroma compounds during the fermentation of barley and gluten-free buckwheat and quinoa wort. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 121 (3), 2015, 387-399 more…
- Part I: the influence of serial repitching of Saccharomyces pastorianus on the uptake dynamics of metal ions and fermentable carbohydrates during the fermentation of barley and gluten-free buckwheat and quinoa wort. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 121 (3), 2015, 356-369 more…
- Part II: the influence of the serial repitching of Saccharomyces pastorianus on the uptake dynamics of amino acids during the fermentation of barley and gluten-free buckwheat and quinoa wort. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 121 (3), 2015, 370-386 more…
- Impact of arabinoxylan addition on protein microstructure formation in wheat and rye dough. Journal of Food Engineering 154, 2015, 10-16 more…
- Strategies for the aeration of gluten-free bread – A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 46 (1), 2015, 75-84 more…
- Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Evaluating microstructural changes during the malting process by using confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. European Food Research and Technology 241 (2), 2015, 239 - 252 more…
- Evaluation of mashing attributes and protein profile using different grist composition of barley and wheat malt. BrewingScience 68 (5/6), 2015, 67 - 77 more…
- Isolation of quinoa protein by milling fractionation and solvent extraction. Food and Bioproducts Processing 96, 2015, 20-26 more…
- Studies on the mashing conditions of teff (Eragrostis tef) malt as a raw material for lactic acid-fermented gluten-free beverage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 50 (9), 2015, 2032-2037 more…
- Investigation of fermentation conditions for teff (Eragrostis tef) malt-wort by Lactobacillus amylolyticus. Lwt-Food Science and Technology 61 (1), 2015, 164-171 more…
- Optimisation of fermentation conditions for probiotication of sorghum wort by Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 50 (10), 2015, 2271-2279 more…
- Density, ultrasound velocity, acoustic impedance, reflection and absorption coefficient determination of liquids via multiple reflection method. Ultrasonics 57, 2015, 65-71 more…
- Turbidity potentials of single long-chain fatty acids and gelatinised starch in synthetic lautering wort. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 50 (4), 2015, 906 - 912 more…
- Wheat Dough Microstructure: The Relation Between Visual Structure and Mechanical Behavior. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 55 (3), 2015, 369-382 more…
- NIR and PLS discriminant analysis for predicting the processability of malt during lautering. European Food Research and Technology 240 (4), 2015, 831-846 more…
- Online monitoring of bioprocesses via multivariate sensor prediction within swarm intelligence decision making. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 145, 2015, 48--59 more…
- Critical Review of the Methods of beta-Glucan Analysis and Its Significance in the Beer Filtration Process. European Food Research and Technology 241 (6), 2015, 725-736 more…
- Impact of Fatty Acids and Medium Chain Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters on the Beer Crossflow Membrane Filtration. Brewing Science 68, 2015, 122-129 more…
- Interactions Between Dissolved beta-Glucans and Medium-Chain Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters in Model Beer Solution and Their Impact on Filterability. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 73 (4), 2015, 323-330 more…
- Influence of malt modifications on the concentrations of free phenolic acids in wheat and barley malts. Brewing Science 68, 2015, 67-77 more…
- Numerical investigations of thermo-physical and material property interactions in cereal foam microstructures. , 2015, 1-99 more…
- Multicomponent phase transition kinetics in cereal foam—Part I: developing a lattice Boltzmann model. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 18 (1), 2015, 1-8 more…
- Multicomponent phase transition kinetics in cereal foam—part II: impact of microstructural properties. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 18 (1), 2015, 9-18 more…
- Use of polyphenol-rich hop products to reduce sunstruck flavor in beer. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 73 (3), 2015, 228 - 235 more…
- Use of Exogenous Enzymes and Process Management to Improve the Shelf Life of Traditional Opaque Beer. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 73 (1), 2015, 22-28 more…
- Effect of amino acid supply on the transcription of flavour-related genes and aroma compound production during lager yeast fermentation. LWT - Food Science and Technology 63 (1), 2015, 289-297 more…
- Starch gelatinization and its complexity for analysis. Starch - Stärke 67 (1-2), 2015, 30-41 more…
- Brewer’s spent grain: source of value-added polysaccharides for the food industry in reference to the health claims. European Food Research and Technology 241 (3), 2015, 303-315 more…
- Impact of gas formation kinetics on dough development and bread quality. Food Research International 76, Part 3, 2015, 860-866 more…
- The contribution of glutathione to the destabilizing effect of yeast on wheat dough. Food Chemistry 173, 2015, 243-249 more…
- Flavor impacts of glycerol in the processing of yeast fermented beverages: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore 52 (12), 2015, 7588-7598 more…
- Flavor impacts of glycerol in the processing of yeast fermented beverages: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology 52 (12), 2015, 7588-7598 more…
- Outlier Detection Method in Linear Regression Based on Sum of Arithmetic Progression. The Scientific World Journal 2014, 2014 more…
- Multiple Memory Structure Bit Reversal Algorithm Based on Recursive Patterns of Bit Reversal Permutation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014, 2014 more…
- Impact of Microsoft Visual C++ version on the performance of arrays and vectors. Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Science 3, 2014, 262-266 more…
- Humulus lupulus – A story that begs to be told. A review. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 120 (4), 2014, 289 - 314 more…
- The influence of serial repitching of Saccharomyces pastorianus on its karyotype and protein profile during the fermentation of gluten-free buckwheat and quinoa wort. International Journal of Food Microbiology 185, 2014, 93-102 more…
- Processing of bottom-fermented gluten-free beer-like beverages based on buckwheat and quinoa malt with chemical and sensory characterization. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 120 (4), 2014, 360-370 more…
- Processing of bottom-fermented gluten-free beer-like beverages based on buckwheat and quinoa malt with chemical and sensory characterization. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 4, 2014, n/a-n/a more…
- Volume and texture improvement of gluten-free bread using quinoa white flour. Journal of Cereal Science 59 (1), 2014, 41-47 more…
- Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its use as a brewing cereal - A review. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 120 (1), 2014, 1 - 15 more…
- Impact of quinoa bran on gluten-free dough and bread characteristics. European Food Research and Technology 239 (5), 2014, 767-775 more…
- Teff (Eragrostis tef) as a raw material for malting, brewing and manufacturing of gluten-free foods and beverages: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore 51 (11), 2014, 2881-2895 more…
- Teff (Eragrostis tef) as a raw material for malting, brewing and manufacturing of gluten-free foods and beverages: a review. Journal of food science and technology 51 (11), 2014, 2881--2895 more…
- Effects of yeast and maltose concentration on ultrasonic velocity and attenuation coefficient and its application for process monitoring. Engineering in Life Sciences 14 (4), 2014, 433-441 more…
- Influence of malting conditions on sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) as a raw material for fermented beverages. Food Science and Technology International 20 (6), 2014, 453-463 more…
- Application of a modified GA, ACO and a random search procedure to solve the production scheduling of a case study bakery. Expert Systems with Applications 41 (13), 2014, 5882--5891 more…
- Critical process parameter of alcoholic yeast fermentation: speed of sound and density in the temperature range 5–30 °C. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 49 (11), 2014, 2441-2448 more…
- Lautering performance prediction from malt by combining whole near-infrared spectral information with lautering process evaluation as reference values. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 72 (3), 2014, 214 - 219 more…
- Fate of enniatins and beauvericin during the malting and brewing process determined by stable isotope dilution assays. LWT - Food Science and Technology 56 (2), 2014, 469-477 more…
- Ultrasonic sensor for predicting sugar concentration using multivariate calibration. Ultrasonics 54 (6), 2014, 1703-1712 more…
- Protein Profile Characterization of Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) Varieties. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 2014 more…
- Cooking and Drying Process Optimisation of Shea ( Butyrospermum parkii ) Butter Extraction. Czech Journal of Food Sciences; Vol 32, No 6 (2014), 2014 more…
- Cooking and drying process optimization of shea, Butyrospermum parkii: butter extraction. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2014, 578-584 more…
- Differential transcribed yeast genes involved in flavour formation and its associated amino acid metabolism during brewery fermentation. European Food Research and Technology 239 (3), 2014, 421-439 more…
- Characterization of Key Aroma Compounds in Distiller’s Grains from Wheat as a Basis for Utilization in the Food Industry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62 (45), 2014, 10873-10880 more…
- The Volatility of Dimethyl Sulfide Measured by Flash Distillation. BrewingScience 67 (Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft), 2014, 69-71 more…
- In situ monitoring of starch gelatinization with limited water content using confocal laser scanning microscopy. European Food Research and Technology 239 (2), 2014, 247-257 more…
- Ultraschallbasierte simultane Konzentrationsbestimmung der Komponenten Zucker und Ethanol in wässrigen Fermentationsfluiden. , 2014, 1-155 more…
- Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the structural kinetics of wheat dough during fermentation. LWT - Food Science and Technology 58 (1), 2014, 194-202 more…
- Determination of cleaning end of dairy protein fouling using an online system combining ultrasonic and classification methods. Food and Bioprocess Technology 7 (2), 2014, 506-515 more…
- Fuzzy logic control and soft sensing applications in food and beverage processes. Food Control 29 (1), 2013, 254--269 more…
- Fuzzy logic control and soft sensing applications in food and beverage processes. Food Control 29 (1), 2013, 254-269 more…
- Investigations on the evaluation of rheological properties of cereal based viscoelastic fluids using ultrasound. Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2), 2013, 404-412 more…
- Protein modifications and metabolic changes taking place during the malting of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 71 (3), 2013, 153 - 160 more…
- Self-cloning brewing yeast: a new dimension in beverage production. European Food Research and Technology 237 (6), 2013, 851-863 more…
- Effect of teff (Eragrostis tef) variety and storage on malt quality attributes. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 119 (1-2), 2013, 64-70 more…
- Effect of Drying Temperature and Time on Alpha-Amylase, Beta-Amylase, Limit Dextrinase Activities and Dimethyl Sulphide Level of Teff (Eragrostis tef) Malt. Food and Bioprocess Technology 6 (12), 2013, 3462-3472 more…
- Thermal stability of starch degrading enzymes of teff (Eragrostis tef) malt during isothermal mashing. Process Biochemistry 48 (12), 2013, 1928-1932 more…
- A case study on using evolutionary algorithms to optimize bakery production planning. Expert Systems with Applications 40 (17), 2013, 6837-6847 more…
- Ultrasound-based density determination via buffer rod techniques: a review. J. Sens. Sens. Syst. 2 (2), 2013, 103-125 more…
- Kinetic Modeling of Hop Acids during Wort Boiling. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, 2013, 47--52 more…
- Examination of thermo-physical and material property interactions in cereal foams by means of Boltzmann modeling techniques. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 15 (3), 2013, 387-395 more…
- Tracking the thermal induced vapor transport across foam microstructure by means of micro-sensing technology. Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2), 2013, 344-351 more…
- On the Theoretical Time-Scale Estimation of Physical and Chemical Kinetics Whilst Wheat Dough Processing. Food Biophysics 8 (1), 2013, 69-79 more…
- Malting process optimization of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) for the brewing process. LWT - Food Science and Technology 50 (1), 2013, 99 - 109 more…
- Significant amino acids in aroma compound profiling during yeast fermentation analyzed by PLS regression. LWT - Food Science and Technology 51 (2), 2013, 423-432 more…
- Determination of the influence of starch sources and mashing procedures on the range of the molecular weight distribution of beer using field-flow fractionation. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 108, 2013, n/a-n/a more…
- Influence of the range of molecular weight distribution of beer components on the intensity of palate fullness. European Food Research and Technology 236 (1), 2013, 65--75 more…
- Identification of Lactobacillus curvatus TMW 1.624 dextransucrase and comparative characterization with Lactobacillus reuteri TMW 1.106 and Lactobacillus animalis TMW 1.971 dextransucrases. Food microbiology 34 (1), 2013, 52--61 more…
- Physicochemical and morphological characterization of different starches with variable amylose/amylopectin ratio. Food Hydrocolloids 32 (1), 2013, 52-63 more…
- Theoretical study on a statistical method for the simple and reliable pre-selection of wheat malt types for brewing purposes based on generally accepted quality characteristics. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 71 (2), 2013, 67 - 75 more…
- Determination of fouling presence and absence using a combined method of ultrasonic measurements and classification methods. Engineering in Life Science 13, 2013, 292-301 more…
- Determination of cleaning end of protein fouling using an online system combining ultrasonic and classification methods. Food and Bioprocess Technology 1, 2013, 01. Okt more…
- Detection of dairy fouling: Combining ultrasonic measurements and classification methods. Engineering in Life Sciences 13 (3), 2013, 292-301 more…
- Contributions of Hop Hard Resins to Beer Quality. BrewingScience 65, 2012, 118-129 more…
- Impact of sodium chloride on wheat flour dough for yeast-leavened products. II. Baking quality parameters and their relationship. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92 (2), 2012, 299-306 more…
- Impact of sodium chloride on wheat flour dough for yeast-leavened products. I. Rheological attributes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92 (3), 2012, 585-592 more…
- Sodium chloride – sensory, preserving and technological impact on yeast-leavened products. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 47 (9), 2012, 1798-1807 more…
- The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities. New evidence from Gobekli Tepe, south-eastern Turkey. Antiquity 86 (333), 2012, 674-695 more…
- The response of rice grain quality to ozone exposure during growth depends on ozone level and genotype. Environmental Pollution 163, 2012, 199-206 more…
- Possibilities to increase the quality in gluten-free bread production: An overview. European Food Research and Technology 235 (2), 2012, 195--208 more…
- A kinetic study on the degradation of iso-alpha-acids. International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering 41, 2012, Sep 14 more…
- Spectrogram Enhancement By Edge Detection Approach Applied To Bioacoustics Calls Classification. Signal {&} Image Processing : An International Journal 3 (2), 2012, 1--20 more…
- Robust spectral estimation for speed of sound with phase shift correction applied online in yeast fermentation processes. Engineering in Life Sciences 12 (6), 2012, 603-614 more…
- Structural analysis of fructans produced by acetic acid bacteria reveals a relation to hydrocolloid function. Carbohydrate Polymers 92 (2), 2012, 1234 - 1242 more…
- Effects of Acidification, Sodium Chloride, and Moisture Levels on Wheat Dough: I. Modeling of Rheological and Microstructural Properties. Food Biophysics 7 (3), 2012, 190-199 more…
- Effects of Acidification, Sodium Chloride, and Moisture Levels on Wheat Dough: II. Modeling of Bread Texture and Staling Kinetics. Food Biophysics 7 (3), 2012, 200-208 more…
- Different Influences on Lautering Performance and Wort Quality Attributes when Brewing with 100% Unmalted Barley. Brewing Science, 2012, 55-64 more…
- Monitoring baking processes of bread rolls by digital image analysis. Journal of Food Engineering 111 (2), 2012, 425--431 more…
- An overview of separation methods in starch analysis: The importance of size exclusion chromatography and field flow fractionation. Starch - Stärke 64 (9), 2012, 683--695 more…
- Effect of structurally different microbial homoexopolysaccharides on the quality of gluten-free bread. European Food Research and Technology 235 (1), 2012, 139--146 more…
- Physicochemical interactions of polydextrose for sucrose replacement in pound cake. Food Research International 48 (1), 2012, 291-298 more…
- Influence of dissolved carbon dioxide on the sound velocity and adiabatic compressibility in aqueous solutions with saccharose and ethanol. Journal of Molecular Liquids 175, 2012, 111-120 more…
- Comparison of beer quality attributes between beers brewed with 100% barley malt and 100% barley raw material. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92 (4), 2012, 803-813 more…
- Rheological Properties of Wheat Dough upon Varying Mixing Temperature. Cereal Technology, 2012, 166-176 more…
- Modern Dispense Systems and Coated Brass Equipment - is this up to date? Results of an Investigation. Brewing Science 65 (Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft), 2012, 150-155 more…
- Investigating and understanding fouling in a planar setup using ultrasonic methods. The Review of scientific instruments 83 (9), 2012, 094904 more…
- Probing and understanding fouling in a new setup using ultrasonic detection methods. Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 2012, 094904-094914 more…
- Detection methods of fouling in heat exchangers in the food industry. Food Control 27 (1), 2012, 1-10 more…
- Rheological properties and baking performance of rye dough as affected by transglutaminase. Journal of Cereal Science 54 (1), 2011, 29-36 more…
- Starch re-crystallization kinetics as a function of various cations. Starch - Stärke 63 (12), 2011, 792-800 more…
- Large-Scale Study on Beer Filtration with Combined Filter Aid Additions to Cellulose Fibres. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 117 (3), 2011, 314--328 more…
- Labortest zur Minimierung des Versuchsaufwandes bei Pilotfiltrationen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 83 (6), 2011, 822--829 more…
- Possibility of Using Acoustic Techniques for Dough Processing Evaluation. Procedia Food Science 1, 2011, 2023--2032 more…
- Possibility of Using Acoustic Techniques for Dough Processing Evaluation. Procedia Food Science 1, 2011, 2023-2032 more…
- Time-of-flight prediction for fermentation process monitoring. Engineering in Life Sciences 11 (4), 2011, 417-428 more…
- A novel edge detection method with application to the fat content prediction in marbled meat. Pattern Recognition 44 (12), 2011, 2959-2970 more…
- Dough microstructure: Novel analysis by quantification using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Food Research International 44 (4), 2011, 984-991 more…
- Implementation of a novel tool to quantify dough microstructure. Procedia Food Science 1, 2011, 1-6 more…
- Brewing with 100% Oat Malt. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 117 (3), 2011, 411-421 more…
- Bioprocess monitoring and control via adaptive sensor calibration. Engineering in Life Sciences 11 (4), 2011, 402-416 more…
- Ultrasonic characterization of aqueous solutions with varying sugar and ethanol content using multivariate regression methods. Journal of Chemometrics 25 (4), 2011, 216-223 more…
- Investigation of heat transfer in cereal-based foam from a micro-scale perspective using the lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 36 (4), 2011, 311-335 more…
- Modeling flavor development in cereal based foams under thermal treatment. Procedia Food Science 1, 2011, 1223-1230 more…
- Part II. The Use of Malt Produced with 70% Less Malting Loss for Beer Production: Impact on Processability and Final Quality. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 69 (4), 2011, 239-254 more…
- Optimization of the malting process of oat (Avena sativa L.) as a raw material for fermented beverages. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (2), 2011, 510 - 523 more…
- Function and regulation of yeast genes involved in higher alcohol and ester metabolism during beverage fermentation. European Food Research and Technology 233 (5), 2011, 721 more…
- Impact of air humidity in industrial heating processes on selected quality attributes of bread rolls. Journal of Food Engineering 105 (4), 2011, 647-655 more…
- Quantification in starch microstructure as a function of baking time. Procedia Food Science 1, 2011, 145-152 more…
- Predicting Haze Stability in Wheat Beer using Light Scattering Analysis Techniques. Brewing Science 64, 2011, 68-74 more…
- Influence of the malting parameters on the haze formation of beer after filtration. European Food Research and Technology 233 (4), 2011, 587 - 597 more…
- Protein changes during malting and brewing with focus on haze and foam formation: a review. European Food Research and Technology 232 (2), 2011, 191 - 204 more…
- Optimization of Malting Conditions for Two Black Rice Varieties, Black Non-Waxy Rice and Black Waxy Rice (Oryza sativa L. Indica). Journal of the Institute of Brewing 117 (1), 2011, 39-46 more…
- On the usage of acoustic properties combined with an artificial neural network – A new approach of determining presence of dairy fouling. Journal of Food Engineering 103 (4), 2011, 449-456 more…
- Softsensorsysteme - Mathematik als Bindeglied zum Prozessgeschehen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82 (4), 2010, 429--440 more…
- Investigation of Beer Filtration Using Cellulose Fibers in a Pilot-Scale Filter Plant. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 2010 more…
- In-fluence of ethyl Acetate, Isoamyl Acetate and Linalool on off-flavour Percep-tion in Beer. Brewing Science 63, 2010, 94-99 more…
- Analysis and optimization of a bakery production line using ARENA. International Journal of Simulation Modelling 9, 2010, 208-216 more…
- A New Validation of Relevant Substances for the Evaluation of Beer Aging Depending on the Employed Boiling System. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 116 (1), 2010, 41--48 more…
- Modification of the rheological behavior of amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) dough. Journal of Cereal Science 51 (3), 2010, 350--356 more…
- Numerical modelling of shear and normal stress of micro-porous ceramics for stimulated in-vitro cultivation of bone cells. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 8 (5), 2010, 665--675 more…
- Numerical modelling of shear and normal stress of micro-porous ceramics for stimulated in-vitro cultivation of bone cells. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 8 (5), 2010, 665-675 more…
- An Innovative Micro-Modelling of Simultaneous Heat and Moisture Transfer during Bread Baking Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method. Food Biophysics 5 (3), 2010, 161-176 more…
- A Novel Edge De-tection Method Based On Image Energy And Skewness With Application To Intramuscular Fat Recognition. Proceeding of IADIS Multi-Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2010, 93-100 more…
- Effects of selected lactic acid bacteria on the characteristics of amaranth sourdough. Journal of the science of Food and Agriculture 90 (13), 2010, 2326-32 more…
- Degradation of iso-alpha acids during wort boiling. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 116, 2010, 332-338 more…
- Isohumulones - a Review. Brewing Science 63, 2010, 105-111 more…
- Determination of the Influence of Malting Parameters on the Water-Extractable Arabinoxylan Content of Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Rye (Secale cereale), and Spelt Wheat (Triticum aestivum spp. spelta). Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 68 (1), 2010, 34-40 more…
- An innovative lattice Boltzmann model for simulating Michaelis–Menten-based diffusion–advection kinetics and its application within a cartilage cell bioreactor. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 9 (2), 2010, 141-151 more…
- Impact of Different Hop Compounds on the Overfoaming Volume of Beer Caused by Primary Gushing. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 116 (4), 2010, 459-463 more…
- Processing of a Top Fermented Beer Brewed from 100% Buckwheat Malt with Sensory and Analytical Characterisation. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 116 (3), 2010, 265-274 more…
- Sensor array for the combined analysis of water–sugar–ethanol mixtures in yeast fermentations by ultrasound. Food Control 21 (4), 2010, 362-369 more…
- Concentration Determination in Water-Sugar-Ethanol-Mixtures via Adiabatic Compressibility and Density. tm - Technisches Messen 77 (1), 2010 more…
- Turbidity and haze formation in beer — Insights and overview. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 116 (4), 2010, 360 - 368 more…
- Impact of Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Varieties on Malting Quality. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 68 (3), 2010, 152-159 more…
- Optimisation of the Mashing Procedure for 100% Malted Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) as a Raw Material for Gluten-free Beverages and Beers. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 116 (2), 2010, 141-150 more…
- Impact of Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Varieties on Malting Quality. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 68 (3), 2010, 152-159 more…
- Evaluation of different yeast strains on the quality of beer produced from malted proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.). European Food Research and Technology 231 (2), 2010, 287 - 295 more…
- Optimisation of the mashing procedure for 100% malted proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) as a raw material for gluten-free beverages and beers. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 116 (2), 2010, 141 - 150 more…
- Novel materials and surface investigations for optimizing dough carrier interactions. European Food Research and Technology 229 (2), 2009, 183-189 more…
- Beer Filtration using Cellulose Fibres– a Review. Brewing Science 62, 2009, 33-43 more…
- Non-contact temperature measurement of liquids in hermetic closed systems. Journal of Food Control 29, 2009, 1119-1126 more…
- Suppression of gushing by hop constituents. Brewing Science 62, 2009, 181-186 more…
- Application of audio signal processing in the detection of the Red Palm Weevil. The 17th European Signal Processing Conference, 2009, 1597-1601 more…
- Computer Modelling and Simulation of Bakeries' Production Planning. International Journal of Food Engineering 5 (2), 2009 more…
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- Online Monitoring of Gravity, FAN and \textgreek{b}-Glucan during Mashing. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 113 (3), 2007, 293--301 more…
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