The objective of the project is to increase the share of agricultural buildings with wood, considering current technical challenges. Towards this aim, planning principles for agricultural buildings will be transferred into the 21st century on the basis of prototype buildings. This involves the integration of regional value chains in rural areas, the consideration of current issues of hygiene and wood products and the development of possibilities for using the potential of existing construction wood. In addition, the database on climate and resource protection of agricultural buildings made with wood will be updated and deepened, and rendered usable for the Charta-for-Wood 2.0 Process. The result of the project is a planning guideline "Agricultural Building with Wood in the 21st Century". The guideline includes current issues - climate protection, animal welfare, regional value creation, durability, resource efficiency and economic efficiency as cross-sectional fields. These issues will be tackled holistically by an interdisciplinary research team.
2020 - 2023
AP3 and AP4: Chair of Wood Science: Helm, Sabine;Wanschura, Regina; Windeisen-Holzhauser, Elisabeth; Richter, Klaus; Weber-Blaschke, G.
With AP3 "Resource Potential", the project part of Wood Research Munich focuses on a fundamental characterization of farms, which means the analysis of their needs and possibilities concerning wood construction. The resource potential of the farm woodlands will be approximately quantified nationwide. In selected regions, actors in the previously used value chain as well as the material flows are identified and qualitatively and quantitatively investigated. Additionally, interviews are conducted regarding the success factors and obstacles. The potential of buildings with own or regional wood will be presented and recommendations for optimising regional value chains will be highlighted. With AP4 "Wood Products", the focus is on the experimental investigation of different types of wood and (innovative) wood products in terms of their properties, which are necessary for the special conditions of agricultural construction. This is done by laboratory experiments and field tests. The aim is to catalogue the advantages and disadvantages of each type of wood and each type of wood material in defined scopes based on selected criteria (chemical/physical/technical properties) for agricultural construction.
project partners
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Chair for Resource Efficient Building, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annette Hafner) Coordination and AP2 "LCA Buildings": Creation and validation of the LCA of agricultural buildings of various construction methods (e.g. complete timber construction and partial timber construction) as well as the elaboration and presentation of associated ecological characteristics
Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL), Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Animal Husbandry, (Working Group on Agricultural Construction (ILT 4c), Dipl.-Ing. Architect Jochen Simon) AP1: "Status-Quo-Analysis": Inventory analysis and data determination on the agricultural buildings for animal husbandry and warehousing, selection of model buildings and harmonisation of data, as well as AP8: "Economic structures": development of exemplary structural variants from the aspect of economic efficiency
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Department of Veterinary Medicine, Institute for Animal and Environmental Hygiene (Prof. Uwe Rösler)
Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Federal Research Institute for Animal Health (Prof. Dr. Franz J. Conraths) AP5 „Hygiene“: Examination of the properties of wood building materials regarding hygiene requirements in agricultural production, comparison of wood with other building materials (steel, plastic, concrete) as well as comparison of the effect of different surface structures of wood products
Technical University of Munich, Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering, Chair of Timber Structures and Building Construction (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter, Dr.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch, Dipl.-Ing. MA Architekt Stephan Ott) AP6: "Permanent Constructions": Types of construction and connection types to special stress situations for agricultural construction with wood, as well as AP7 "Design for Reuse": Design for Reuse of agricultural buildings in wood construction (cascade use)
The project is supported content-related by some institutions and interest groups, e.g. by the Bavarian Carpentry Association, by the Cluster Initiative Forest and Wood in Bavaria gGmbH with proHolz Bayern, by the German Timber Management Council (DHWR) and the CCT Council of Timber Technology.
Project Management Agency
Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR)
Granted by
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture due to a resolution of the German Bundestag - Parliament of the Federal Republic of German
Project flyer