Open topics graduation works
We are constantly able to offer interesting project topics for BSc and MSc theses with a focus on engineered wood products and bonding of wood.
In the workgroup Wood Biology at the Chair of Wood Science, a Master´s Thesis is offered. We are looking for interested students for the determination of physical, mechanical and biological properties of the Grand Fir from the Experimental Garden in Grafrath.
Objectives and Tasks
- Determination of the physical, mechanical and biological wood properties of Abies Grandis using standardized and lumber sized samples
- Potential study for the modification of the wood
- Examination with regard to the permeability of the wood
- Planning of and conducting the experiments according to relevant normative standards
- Statistical evaluation and documentation of the identified parameters
- Critical discussion of the results and comparison with literature data
- Derivation of potential application fields for the examined wood species
- Development of forestry recommendations for practitioners
A lead time for sample cutting and preparatory activities must be allowed.
The working place is at the Holzforschung München, Winzererstr. 45 in Munich. A workstation is provided on site.
Supervision & Contact:
If you are interested please contact Dr. Michael Risse
The Chair of Wood Science (Prof. Richter) at Technical University of Munich offers a Bachelor or Master Thesis with regard to the subject indicated above.
Further information and task definition:
During the bonding of a number of wood species e.g. beech or larch with one component polyurethane adhesive (1C-PUR), primers are applied to enhance the bonding quality. Conducting the bonding process, first the primer is applied in liquid form to the wood surface designated for bonding. Subsequently to drying off of the primer, the 1C-PUR-adhesive can be applied and the wood cross sections can be glued together. Although the efficiency of various primers is proven and primers are used in the industry, the mechanisms leading to an enhanced bonding quality still have not been clarified yet.
A number of works assume chemical bondings between wood and primer resp. between primer and adhesive as cause for the increased endurance of bondings. Other works suggest that primers stabilize the surface, reducing the welling and shrinking properties so that lower tensions are caused in the glue joint when changes in wood moisture occur.
With this work, primers that lead to an enhanced quality of 1K PUR bondings are to be chemically examined. Moreover, primed surfaces are to be examined mechanically.
Supervision & Contact:
Completed graduation works (selection)
- Vetter, F.: Die Delaminierungsbeständigkeit von Fichtenbrettsperrholz in Abhängigkeit der Prüfkörperform, Bachelorarbeit 2015
- Pühler, F.: Abbindeverhalten eines MUF-Klebstoffs für tragende Anwendungen in Abhängigkeit der Holzfeuchte, Bachelorarbeit 2015
- Kammerloher, Constantin: Ermittlung von Kennwerten zum Presstrocknungsverfahren von Buchenschälfurnieren für die Herstellung von Furniersperrholz; Masterarbeit 2014
- Denzler, S.: Untersuchung und Bewertung der Delaminierungsbeständigkeit tragender Verklebungen von Buchenbrettsperrholz, Bachelorarbeit 2014
- La Rosa, F.: Ermittlung von Kennwerten zu Holzrückstellungen nach druckgebenden Verfahren in der Herstellung von KFZ-Interieurteilen“, Diplomarbeit 2013
- Schwietzke, A.-K.: Bestimmung der Wärmestandfestigkeit von Holz-Klebstoff-Verbindungen, Masterarbeit 2012
- Neuhäuser, E.: Untersuchungen zur Verklebungsqualität von Eschenholz unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Oberflächenbearbeitungsverfahren, Masterarbeit 2012
- Schwietzke, A.-K.: Visualisierung des Eindringverhaltens von Klebstoffen in Holz mittels verschiedener Färbemethoden, Bachelorarbeit 2010